Cântăre The love of god can do

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 186
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8821-the-love-of-god-can-do]The love of god can do[/url]

He can make a way where there isn’t a way

That’s what the love of God can do

Everything can start new every day

That’s what the love of God can do

The whole world changed when love stepped in

That’s what the love of God can do

Hearts to save and a world to win

That’s what the love of God can do


Love flies higher, walks through fire

Doesn’t change from day to day

If it’s really love, it just won’t give up

Love will never pass away

(Repeat Verse)

Love is patient, love is kind

If someone else wins, love doesn’t mind

Love believe and love forgives

And God is the start of all of this

(Repeat Verse)
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meniu prim
Dar eu către Tine îmi înalț rugăciunea, Doamne, la vremea potrivită. În bunătatea Ta cea mare, răspunde-mi, Dumnezeule, și dă-mi ajutorul Tău! ( Psalmii 69:13 )