Cântăre Over the horizon

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 183
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8847-over-the-horizon]Over the horizon[/url]

Traveling far from home

Out into the unknown

Nothing familiar around me

This journey seems so long

As I await the dawn

All alone and so weary

There's a Light over the horizon

I'll keep walking down this road of hope

Faithful in my prayer

There's a Light over the horizon

Though I may not know what lies ahead

I trust that You'll be there

I spend too many days

Lost in a mindless haze

Not really sure of my purpose

And I may question You

And what I'm going through

When life seems so uncertain

Some days are a mystery to me

But I believe that answers are revealed in time

Even when the path is just not clear

I'm anticipating what I'll find


There's a Light over the horizon

I'll keep walking down this road of hope

Faithful in my prayer

There's a Light over the horizon

Though I may not know what lies ahead

I know that you'll be there

You'll be there
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