Cântăre The longing

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 180
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8852-the-longing]The longing[/url]

In each heart there is a longing

In each soul a desperate cry

To know if life has some true meaning

Or if we simply live and die

Earthly pleasures and possessions

Leave the sinking spirit dry

In each heart there is a longing

Only Jesus satisfies

In each life there comes the question

Is there more than meets the eye

And what will we see of the eternal

When the well of days runs dry?

So we search with so few finding

The difference between truth and lies

While in each heart there is a longing

Only Jesus satisfies

Mystery on a hillside

The purest love expressed

Guilty lips cry forgive me

In that moment I found rest

So we search with so few finding

The difference between truth and lies

While in each heart there is a longing

Only Jesus satisfies
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Prietenul adevărat iubește oricând, și în nenorocire ajunge ca un frate. ( Proverbele 17:17 )