Cântăre Breathe in

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 189
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8853-breathe-in]Breathe in[/url]

When the rain was coming down on my face

Your love was the sun that I embraced

All the things in my heart for so long

Need to fall in the sea of forever gone

When there's days I could really fall in

It's in the dark you may see your only friend

So visit me in my castle of sand

Fill the walls with your presence once again

You can hear me and I can feel you when


I close my eyes and I dream

Of the day you'll come for me

I close my eyes and I dream

But until the day, I need your love to set me free

I want you to breathe into me

Living life is what I want out of me

To capture love and then to set it free

So give me wings and I'm out of here

to set in flight all the things you made so clear

I've walked the line between love and fear

And took the time to know life is sheer

Take me with you

It moves too fast, oh this world I'm in

To face the past, lets me rest again

I'll take you with me
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