Cântăre Jesus, friend of sinners

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 180
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8859-jesus-friend-of-sinners]Jesus, friend of sinners[/url]

There is a voice that must be heard

There is a song that must be sung

There is a name that must be lifted high

There is a treasure more than gold

There is a king upon the throne

There is one whose praise will fill the skies


His name is Jesus, friend of sinners

Jesus, Jesus

Friend of mine

There is a peace that calms our fears

There is a love stronger than death

There is a hope that goes beyond the grave

There is a friend who won't let go

There is a heart that beats for you

There is one name by which we are saved

When I was captive to my fears

You were the one who came to me

You set me free

You set me free
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Dacă vorbește cineva, să vorbească cuvintele lui Dumnezeu. Dacă slujește cineva, să slujească după puterea pe care i-o dă Dumnezeu, pentru ca în toate lucrurile să fie slăvit Dumnezeu, prin Isus Hristos, a căruia este slava si puterea în vecii vecilor! Amin. ( 1 Petru 4:11 )