Cântăre Irresistible

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 216
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8881-irresistible]Irresistible[/url]

I behold your power and glory

Bring an offering, Come before You

Worship You Lord

In the beauty of Your holiness

Whenever I call You're there

Redeemer and friend

Cherished beyond all words

This love never ends

Morning by morning, Your mercy awakens my soul

I lift up my eyes to see

The wonders of heaven Opening over me

Your goodness abounds

You've taken my breath away, with Your irresistible love
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meniu prim
Da, inima noastră își găsește bucuria în El, căci avem încredere în Numele Lui cel Sfânt. ( Psalmii 33:21 )