Cântăre I adore

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 190
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8894-i-adore]I adore[/url]

The universe is at Your feet

Gives You praise


The stars will light the sky for You


God be praised

And we sing

The Lord is on high

The Lord is on high

I adore You

I adore You

And there's none that compares

To Your majesty O Lord

I adore You

I adore You

And I stand

In wonder of Your love

We will crown You

King forever

Living Saviour

Jesus Redeemer

Lord of Heaven

Robed in majesty

Crowned in glory

Creation adores You

Holy Holy

God almighty

And forever the Lord is exalted

Hear the angels

Shout His anthem


God we adore You
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