Cântăre Son of God

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 192
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8897-son-of-god]Son of God[/url]

Hold my hand and walk with me

You’re the light that makes me see

On this path my soul You lead

O my shepherd walk with me

I need You more than breath

You’re my hope in You I live

Angels worship at Your throne

Power and glory to You alone

My Savior

Glorious One

My Redeemer

Living in my heart

Now and forever

Your Kingdom come

Jesus Son of God

Jesus, Son of God

Jesus, O Jesus.

Holy is the Lamb of God

Jesus, O Jesus

Worthy is the Lamb of God
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Mântuiește, Doamne, poporul Tău, și binecuvântează moștenirea Ta! Fii păstorul și sprijinitorul lor în veci. ( Psalmii 28:9 )