Cântăre Better than life

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 173
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8916-better-than-life]Better than life[/url]

Better than the riches of this world

Better than the sound of my friend's voices

Better than the biggest dreams of my heart

And that's just the start

Better than getting what I say I need

Better than living the life that I want to

Better than the love anyone could give

Your love is

You hold me now in Your arms

And never let me go

You Oh Lord make the sun shine

And the moon light in the night sky

You give me breath and all Your love

I give my heart to You because

I can't stop falling in love with You

I'll never stop falling in love with You

I can't stop falling in love with You

I'll never stop falling in love with You

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meniu prim
Domnul este milostiv și plin de îndurare, îndelung răbdător și plin de bunătate. ( Psalmii 145:8 )