Cântăre More than a thousand words

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 182
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8944-more-than-a-thousand-words]More than a thousand words[/url]

I saw Your picture hanging on the wall

Just an artist rendering that was all

The way You looked down in Your agony

Jogged my memory

And helped me to see

If a picture's worth a thousand words

Then it won't help me at all

Only words are never gonna say

What I feel for You today


More than a thousand words won't say

More than my life will not repay

More than a thousand things I do

Won't make it up to You

I stopped a moment sitting all alone

Without a waiting call on the phone

Looked like a picture from a magazine

More serenity than I've ever seen

And if words cannot describe this day

Or the beauty of this scene

Tell me, how can I expect the words I say

To reflect the things I mean

More than a thousand words won't tell

How You forgave me when I fell

More than a thousand words won't do

To say I love You

Simple words will never quite express

My gratitude to You

Until I cross the barrier

Mortal words will have to do
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