Cântăre Heart of a hero

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 173
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8946-heart-of-a-hero]Heart of a hero[/url]

The fearless giant faced a brave young shepherd boy

He said, "Your God is dead and your nation soon destroyed"

But the son of Jesse proved what God can do in the heart of a hero

Three men refused to bow to the idol made of gold

They knew they could burn for not doing what they're told

They'd rather face the fire than to kneel to a god made by hands


It takes the heart of a hero

To stand for what's right

It takes the heart of a hero

To lay down your life

There are idols to be worshipped and giants in the land

They'll drag you down, attack your faith and slay you if they can

So let your heart be filled with the courage and strength of the Lord

Have the faith of a child

And the power of God

And when you call on His name

He will give you the heart of a hero

Will you stand for what's right?

Would you lay down your life?

Do you have heart?
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meniu prim
Nu te teme de nimic, căci Eu te izbăvesc, te chem pe nume- ești al Meu! Dacă vei trece prin ape, Eu voi fi cu tine și râurile nu te vor îneca; dacă vei merge prin foc, nu te va arde, și flacăra nu te va prinde. ( Isaia 43: 1, 2 )