Cântăre Enter in

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 191
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8950-enter-in]Enter in[/url]

Once a year for sacrifice just one priest could pay the price

And step inside the inner veil to make the people free

Temple stood the same for years till the Nazarene appears

Things will never be the same since 33 A.D.

When He spoke and bowed Hid head

He who saved the world was dead

Then the earth began to shake

Heaven's wall began to break

Opening the Holy Place

The temple veil is torn in two

The way is clear for me and you


We can enter in, enter in

Into Heaven's Holy place

We can enter in, enter in

Boldly by His blood we can approach His throne of grace

We can enter in a new and living Way

By our faith He will receive us when we pray

Now without a second look we forget what all it took

To be seen as innocent by His Holy eyes

Never thinking foolishly there is something He won't see

For our lack of righteousness there is no disguise

He won't look the other Way

Someone's life will have to pay

Once for all it has been done

Taken out upon His Son

He remembers it no more

Now for us He is the Door

Opened up forevermore

We can enter in, enter in

We can enter in His gates with thankfulness and praise

Into the once forbidden Holy place

We can live in goodness and in mercy all our days

We can enter in a new and living Way

By our faith He will receive us when we pray

We don't have to be afraid to seek His face

We can enter in
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