Cântăre Stand

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 205
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8962-stand]Stand[/url]

You had a blank stare- there in your easy chair

You watch as things get out of hand

But now your eyes blink and you begin to think

Of what could happen if you stand

You think about the ground you might have lost in this round

Your eyes are open to the things that had you bound

And then you rise up from your sleep and put your foot down

You take one final grasp of air before you drown and take a


Stand - having done all this

Stand - with emphasis

Stand - no analysis

Even when you don't understand

Put your armor on

Stand on the foundation

Stand - rely upon

The strength that has always been there

And now you stand firm- but not on your own terms

We have no power all alone

But you can feel safe there with your shield of faith

The inner strength in you has grown

And when you draw your sword the enemy is fair game

We're more than conquerors in Jesus' name so take a


Stand all alone if there's no one around you

Stand on your own

Stand through the night - wait for the morning to bring you the strength

To finish the fight

Stand up tall- Stand or fall

Stand your ground - Don't stand down

Stand connected - Stand corrected

Stand in faith - Stand elected
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