Cântăre It is all about who you know

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 171
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8963-it-is-all-about-who-you-know]It is all about who you know[/url]

You are tied-in and networked

You've got people to see

You have friends in high places

You've got places to be

You've got plenty of time to make your mark

You've been able to get things done

And all the white shirts will take your calls

You've really had quite a run

Who can you turn to

When your life is behind you?


It's all about who you know

It's all about who you know

When you get to the end and you've got nothing to show

It's all about who you know

It's all about who you know

You have learned how to pull strings

And call in a favor or two

You have found some ways to spend your time

Instead of with "you-know-who"

There's only one name

You can call on without blame


Some may wonder where, when if not how

There's no worry, if you know Him now


Nothing we do here below

Is gonna save us 'cause

It's all about who you know
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meniu prim
Și la aceasta ați fost chemați; fiindcă și Hristos a suferit pentru voi, și v-a lăsat o pildă, ca să călcați pe urmele Lui. ( 1 Petru 2:21 )