Cântăre Deeper

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 210
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8968-deeper]Deeper[/url]

Light to men

Love of God

Healing for the wounded heart

Like a child quiet my soul

Hear Your voice surround me Lord

Jesus, hold me into Your heart

Into Your heart

Lord my soul delights

And I know You hear my prayer

Take me deeper Lord

Glorious Son to You I shall bow

Bow my knee, bow my will

Cherished by the strong and the weak

Humble hearts shall hear You speak

And by Your love Lord You opened my heart

Now Your light will shine always

By Your Word Lord Your promise secure

And my soul will live always

Take me deeper Lord
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Mai presus de toate, să aveți o dragoste fierbinte unii pentru alții, căci dragostea acoperă o sumedenie de păcate. ( 1 Petru 4:8 )