Cântăre El Shaddai

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 234
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/8981-el-shaddai]El Shaddai[/url]

El Shaddai, El Shaddai, El Elyon na Adonai

Age to age your still the same

By the power of the name

El Shaddai, El Shaddai, Erkamka na Adonai

We will praise and lift you high, El Shaddai

Through your love and through the ram

You saved the son of Abraham

And by power of your hand

Turned the sea into dry land

To the outcast on her knees

You were the god who really sees

And by your might you set your children free

Through the years you made it clear

That the time of Christ was near

Though the people failed to see

What Messiah ought to be

Though your Word contained the plan

They just could not understand

Your most awsome work was done

Through the frailty of your Son

Nota: 10
Puncte: 10
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meniu prim
El, de bună voia Lui, ne-a născut prin Cuvântul adevărului, ca să fim un fel de pârgă a făpturilor Lui. ( Iacov 1:18 )