Devoțională How to worship at your altar.

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 101
BBCode: [url=/devotionala/id/752-how-to-worship-at-your-altar]How to worship at your altar.[/url]

"A wise woman builds her house." (Proverbs 14.1)Approach your altar, and Spirit with humanity. Whatever your bodily posture, let bowing or kneeling become the posture of your heart.Saying "Thank you" for the good things in your life puts you in a positive, worshipping frame of mind. Chanting meditating, praying, listening, singing, and reading from a sacred text are all excellent forms of worship. Humbly express worship  by seeking guidance, asking for help for others or yourself, and sharing your private thoughts.As you close your worship, feel the qualities of compassion, integrity and humility flowing from Spirit into your life, and out to the world.
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